Shivaji infused in the
Hindu society a new and dynamic religious cum social vision by
removing the ostracization of the converts to Islam and welcoming
them back to the parental Hindu fold. He personally set up a glowing
example by taking back Netaji Palkar and Balaji Nimbalkar, two of
his top-ranking commanders who had been forcibly Islamized, and
establishing their marital ties with members of his own royal
family. Shivaji was also the first to do away with the Jahagirs and
distribute the land to the farmers. He did away with every kind of
superstition, religious or otherwise, such as the religious ban on
sea voyage, which came in the way of nation's security and progress.
The new military
strategies, the new weapons and the new type of training to soldiers
which Shivaji introduced in his army speak of his matchless genius
on the battlefield. This apart, his personal heroism outshone many a
powerful adversary like Afzal Khan and Shaista Khan. His sagacity in
escaping from the death trap of Aurangzeb at Agra has indeed few
parallels in the annals of thrilling escapades. No wonder, the very
name Shivaji became a legend even in his own lifetime.
Shivaji was also
the first national leader of Bharat to recognize the looming threat
of naval aggression by the western nations and took prompt and
strong measures to strengthen the country's defences on that front
Shivaji's military
and organizational genius in creating his own valiant army and
invincible generals out of the unlettered and untrained village
folk; the building up of his own resources starting from a scratch;
his ability in facing and humbling incomparably more powerful armies
and seasoned generals with limitless resources of great empires; his
humane policy of never indulging in massacres and inhuman atrocities
even in the wake of momentous victories on the battlefield; his
sublime traits of religious catholicity, reverence to womanhood,
sterling personal character, justice and fair play in every field of
administration - well, all these have made Shivaji a matchless hero
not only in the military sense but one inspired with the noblest of
human values, unsullied by any taint of personal ambition.