The Eigth day of the dark half of Bhaadrapada
The towering genius of Sri Krishna lies in a particularly baffling aspect of his personality. This relates to some of his apparently outrageous violations of the prescribed code of conduct. A strange anecdote in his life helps us to unravel this enigma. When all the children of Paandavas were killed by Ashwatthaama and even the child in the womb of Uttara, the wife Abhimanyu, was killed by him, Sri Krishna came forward to save the progeny of Paadavas by breathing life back into that still born child.
Sri Krishna's utterance at that moment makes strange reading: "May this child come to life, if I have observed brahmacharya, if I have stuck to truth and if my wealth of virtues has never diminished." And of course, the child came to life and became the future king of Bharatavarsha, Parikshita.
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