The Eigth day of the dark half of Bhaadrapada
Sri Krishna had indeed uttered falsehoods so many times, had broken his pledges, had wives and even `married' 16,000 ladies! But still none of these actions violated the truth of his statement. The inference is that he did all these actions in a spirit of supreme detachment, motivated only with the highest goal of safeguarding Dharma.
Sri Krishna himself often affirms this role of his while he explains to Arjuna the intricacies of the highest spiritual philosophy. At one place he says that he was engaged incessantly in worldly actions only for the welfare and sustenance of society, though he himself had no need or desire to be satisfied by the society. On another occasion he assures that he would take birth whenever Dharma declines and Adharma rises its ugly head. He declares his role as the protector of the good and the holy and the destroyer of the unholy and the wicked, and as the establisher of righteousness.
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