Yoga is becoming popular day by day. A wave of Yoga awareness is sweeping the world. There is a great need demand to teach Yoga for general public. To meet this need sVYASA has been conducting both residential and non-residential Yoga Instrctors Courses. So far about 5,000 instructors have been trained and there is a growing demand all over the world with this in mind we offer this Distance Eduction Program. This is a foundation course common to all Yoga Teachers who want to specialise in various course application of Yoga (as yoga therapy) offered by sVYASA.
Duration : Two months
Eligibility : Above 18 years (Graduation preferred)
YICC TH 101 | Introduction to Yoga |
YICC TH 102 | Streams of Yoga I |
YICC TH 103 | Streams of Yoga II |
YICC TH 104 | Message of Swami Vivekananda and |
YICC TH 105 | Applications of Yoga to modern society |
YICC TH 106 | sVYASA movement |
YICC PR 201 | Yoga Practices I(Surya Namaskar,Sithilikarna Vyayama Asanas) |
YICC PR 202 | Yoga Practices II (Pranayama) |
YICC PR 203 | Yoga Practices III (Kriyas Mudras & Bandhas) |
YICC PR 204 | OM & Cyclic Meditation Techniques |
YICC PR 205 | Chantings, Prayers and Emotions Culture |
3. Practical experience with participants in general Yoga Class
4. Report Presentation on one topic
Phase I
1 Distance learning, paper YICC TH 101 Book
will be supplied Test will consist of 2 papers (3 hrs each)
The answers can be emailed which will be corrected, evaluated and sent to the candidates. The candidates will make all the corrections, rewrite relevant portions as suggested and can send it back for better understanding for improving their knowledge and also grades
Distance learning, paper YICC PR 201 CDs or Videos 1 hr to 2hrs each will be sent along with the books (the candidates will have a choice to receive the book/s directly by email from us) The candidates will start the practices in their homes by looking at the videos or CDs and after learning the practices, they will send their own videos or CDs (containing their own practices as they have learnt) to us for corrections and suggestions for further improvements.
Phase II
CDs or Videos 1 hr to 2hrs each will be sent
along with the books Subjects: YICC TH 102, YICC TH 103
YICC PR 202, YICC PR 203. The answers can be emailed which will be corrected,
evaluated and sent to the candidates. The candidates will make all
the corrections, rewrite relevant portions as suggested and can send
it back for better understanding improving their grades
Phase III
CDs or Videos of 1 to 2 hrs each will be sent
–question papers will be sent – Answers to be sent
Subject: YICC TH 104, YICC TH 105, YICC PR 204, YICC PR 205
The candidates will start the practices in
their homes by looking at the videos or CDs and after learning the practices,
they will send their own videos or CDs (containing their own practices
as they have learnt) to us for corrections and suggestions for further
Phase IV
CDs or Videos of 1 to 2 hrs each will be sent
–question papers will be sent – Answers to be sent
Subject: YICC TH 105, YICC TH 106, YICC PR 204, YICC PR 205,
C e r t i f i c a t e s
will be issued on successful
completion of the course
Yoga its basis and applications,
Karma Yoga
Raja Yoga
Bhakti Yoga
Jnana Yoga
Unity in Diversity
Applications of Yoga
Yoga Yellow book
New Perspective in Stress Management
Vyasa Kusumanjali
Krida Yoga
Life and Message of Swamiji
Indian Culture
2. CDs or Videos
3. Audios
4. Charts: Yoga, OM and SMET
5. Kriya Materials – Neti Pot, Catheter,
Vastra, Danda, Eye Cup
6. Brochures etc – sVYASA, Ujval, Cancer,
Annadana, Svsthya Seva,
7. Yoga Sudha Subscriptions
8. Annual Report
Introduction to Yoga
Need of the hour, Yoga
Concept of Yoga, Definition of Yoga
Basis for Yoga
Streams of Yoga - Jnana Yoga - The path
of intellect -Sravana, Manana, Nididhyasa, Jnana, The concept of
of Jivanmuk and Vidcha Mukti Prasenyas of Upanshads - the methods of Jnana
Raja Yoga - the eight limbes yoga ; Yama,
Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana and Samadhi; beyond Samadhi
- Kaivalya. Theory of Yoga practices.
Bhakti Yoga - the science of emotions
culture - Kama, Prema, Bhakti, Seguna Sakshatkara andNirguna Sakshatkara
Karma Yoga - the secret of action - Tamas
to Rajas and Sattva. the region of conflicts Higher dimensions of Karma
Yoga - the secrets of conflict resolution.
Unity in Diversity - the four main streams
of yoga - the common goal - the common features on the paths of yoga ;
Diversity the inherent aspects of creativity
Life and message of Swami vivekananda
Theory of Yoga Practices : Asana, Prayanama, Kriyas and Avarthna Dhyana, Applications of Yoga, Introduction to Yoga Therapy and Research, Educational Applications, Stress and Yoga, Yoga for Sadhaks and other applications
sVYASA Movement and its activities
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