Liberation is
the highest goal of human life through which everything is accomplished. This liberation
also called nirvana, kaivalya, mukti, moksha, can be brought about only through Self
knowledge. All life is an experience to provide us with Self knowledge. To see ourselves
in all beings and all beings in ourselves is the essence of life, hence from the highest
standpoint, there is no birth and no death, no one who is born and no one who dies, there
is only the unborn, perfect and infinite Self nature, beyond all limitations and possessed
of all powers of Self manifestations. Liberation is
beyond all states of body and mind and not limited by them. It is everything and nothing,
everyone and no one. A liberated soul possesses divine qualities such as purity,
omnipresence, omnipotence, and is beyond limitations. Moksha is attained when the
individual becomes liberated from the cycle of birth and death.
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