According to
the doctrine of predestination, every event in the life of an individual has already been
determined by God -everything happens only according to God's will. Individuals do not
have any control over events. In the light of the doctrine of predestination the doctrine
of karma cannot be accepted as a valid doctrine and vice versa. Hindu dharma however, accepts both the doctrines as valid. The
doctrine of karma is valid for a person who has the sense of agency or doership. Such a
person holds himself responsible for his actions, whether good or bad. But through intense
spiritual practice a spiritual aspirant's mind can be made to acquire higher and higher
degree of purity. At a certain high level of mental purity the spiritual aspirant
completely loses his sense of agency. He feels that he is only an instrument in the hands
of God. At this high level of spirituality the doctrine of predestination becomes the only
valid doctrine.
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