Universe is neither created not sustained by a Supernatural being, it is beginningless, endless and operates in accordance of natural law.
Reality has two categories, jive (soul) and ajiva (without soul) Ahimsa doctorine of non-killing, non-violence and non-injury.
Belief in Law of Karma in the sense of cause and effect Himsa (violence), nirdaya (lack of compassion), krodha (anger), mada (pride), maya (infactuation), lobha (greed), dvesha (hatred), trishna (craving) are the primary causes of suffering and injustice in the world.
Attachement to material objects is the primary cause of bondage and leads to greed and jealousy, which further leads to suffering and injustice.
Attachement to material objects is the primary cause of bondage and leads to greed and jealousy, which further leads to suffering and injustice.