

Joshua D Crozier (jcrozier@uoguelph.ca) wrote:

: Nearing the end of my Indian Religion course, I have a further question of
: you all...  Since I have been taught that it is the Atman which is the
: 'mind' within us, and does all our thinking - how is it that we aer mistaken
: as to the nature of the world?  The Atman should not be able to be mistaken,
: right?

: I have been told that it is the nature of the world to decieve as to its
: nature, but the Atman should see through this.  I thought this may be 
: explained by a brain/atman duality, but my prof says that is not the case.

: So, then, I put the question forward... How is it that we are deceived as 
: to the nature of this world?

Dear Friend:

I know of a audiocassette that describes this issue.  It is called:

"Understanding the Soul's need for God"
By Sri Daya Mata.

It is obtainable from:

Self-Realization Fellowship
3880 San Rafael Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90065.

The Atman is not the mind, but the mind is run with the force of Atman.  
Between the Atman and our senses resides ignorance, that has been called 
avidya or the veil of maya.  The impulses of Atman come across avidya and 
the mind interprets it with imagination.  Sri Daya Mata describes it as:
The nature of the soul is love, therefore the mind goes out to find love 
but looks at the wrong places.  The nature of the soul is power, 
therefore the mind goes great lenghts to amass power, but usually does it 
all wrong.  etc...

I do not think that I quoted her verbatim.

With best regards,

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