
Re: hindu weddings

C S Ramarao (cramarao@neuron.uchc.edu) wrote:
: In article <49ip09$6f2@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
: 3dm26@qlink.queensu.ca (deepa menon) writes:

: i am interested in hindu weddings.  i have posted to different indian 
: soc.groups, but have had no responses.  what do they consist of?  
: ceremonies? vows, etc?

: I am not surprised that you have had no responses.  Your question is so
: vague and general there is nothing to respond.  ALL weddings, be it
: hindu, christian, muslim or any other religion will and should consisit
: of ceremonies and vows.

hmm..thanks for the elucidation.  you might be surprised to know that i 
DID already know that most wedding consist of ceremonies and vows.  i 
don't think that my question was that vague.  did you ever think that i 
wasn't more specific as to region, etc on purpose?  i wanted to know how 
hindu weddings are done in many places.  what i didn't expect ( or need 
for that matter) was your snippy  response.

if i have misread your post ( which is possible, as there is no "tone of 
voice" on a computer), i apologise for my comment.

to the person, who replied first, i would love it if you could email me.  
thanking you in advance,



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