
Re: Vedic Marriage-1

Dear Friends:

The Hindu marriage is based on the marriage of Soma with SuryA, and is 
narrated by Rishi SuryA in the RigVeda.  This could be based on an 
imagined marriage ceremony or could be the marriage of the seer herself.

This collection of verses is mainly form the RigVeda, and has been 
compiled by Sri Anirban to adapt it for use in Hindu marriages.  The 
verses are full of Vedic imagery.  I will use a Bangla translation by 
Professor Gouri DharmapAl, and re-translate them into english. I include 
the second instalment with the first.

* Shubha-dristi

Groom:		Aghorchakshur apatighniedhi shiva pashubhyah sumanAh suvarchAh.
		Virasur devakAmA syenA sham na bhava dvipade sham chatuspade.

RigVeda 10.85.44 
Trishtup chhanda.

Be (edhi) soft gazed (aghor-chakshuh), not a widow (a-pati-ghni) 
benefactor of animals (pashubhyah shiva), pleasant hearted (su-manAh), 
bright looking (su-varchAh), mother of heroes (vira-suh), devoted to God 
(deva-kAmA). Be peaceable with (sham bhava) our (nah) people (dvipade) 
and animals (chatuspade).

Groom takes the bride to the altar and both sit down.  AchArya recounts 
the marriage of Soma with SuryA.

* Somatattva

AchArya:	SatyenottabhitA bhumih suryenottabhitA dyuoh.
		RitenAdityAs tishthanti divi somo adhi shritah.

RigVeda 10.85.1
Anushtup chhanda

Earth (bhumih) is hoisted up (uttabhitA) by satya (satyena).  The sky 
(dyouh) is hoisted up (uttabhitA) by surya (suryena).  The Adityas 
(AdityAh) stand on Rita (ritena tishthanti).  Soma (somah) is supported 
by sky (divi adhishritah).

		SomenAdityA valinah somena prithivi mahi.
		Atho nakshatrAnAm eshAmupasthe soma Ahitah.

RigVeda 10.85.2
Anushtup chhanda

By Soma (somena) the Adityas (AdityAh) are powerful (valinah).  By Soma 
(somena) the earth (prithivi) is glorious (mahi).  And (atha) Soma stays 
(somah Ahitah) close to the stars (eshAm nakshatrAnAm upasthe).

		Somam manyate papivan yat sampishanti oshadhim.
		Somam yam brahmAno vidurna tasyAshnAti kaschana.

RigVeda 10.85.3
Anushtup chhanda

The creeper that people crush (yat oshadhim sam-pishanti), (the drinkers) 
imagine (manyate) (that) they are drinking soma elixir (somam papivAn). 
That soma (yam somam) which the brAhmins (brahmanah) know of (viduh), 
nobody ever eats it (na kaschan tasya ashnAti).

* Soma desires a wife

		Somo vadhuyrabhavat ashvinAstAmubhA vara.
		SuryAm yat patye shamsantim manasA savitA dadAt.

RigVeda 10.85.9
Anushtup chhanda

Soma (somah) becomes (abhavat) desirous of a wife (vadhuyuh).  Both 
Ashvinas (ubha ashvinA) became (their) welcomers (vara AstAm).  When 
(yat) suryA (suryAm) became desirous of groom (patye shamshantim), (then) 
savitA (savitA) mentally (manasA) offered (her) (adadAt).

* SuryA is described

		ChittirA upabarhanam chakshurA abhyanjanam.
		Dyuorbhumih kosha Ashidyad suryA patim.

RigVeda 10.85.7
Anushtup chhanda

When SuryA went towards her husband (yat suryA patim agAt), (then) the 
sky and earth (dyuoh bhumih) became the carriage (koshah Asit), (her) 
awareness (chittih) became (Ah) the back cushion (upabarhanam), (her) 
vision (chakshuh) became (Ah) eye make-up (abhyanjanam).

		Mano asyA an AsiddyourAsiduta chhadih.
		Shukrou anadvahou Astam yadayAtsuryA griham.

RigVeda 10.85.10
Anushtup chhanda

When SuryA went to (husband's) home (yat suryA griham ayAt), (then) her 
(asyAh) mind (manah) became (Asit) (her) chariot (anah), and (uta) sky 
(dyouh) became (Asit) (its) roof (chhadih), two stars (shukrou) became 
(AstAm) (her) ride (Anadvahou).

		Dve te chakre surye brahmAnah rituthA viduh.
		Athoikam chakram yadguhA tadaddhatayah idviduh.

RigVeda 10.85.16
Anushtup chhanda

O suryA (surye), brAhmins know (brahmAnah viduh) (about) your two 
seasonal cycles (te dve rituthA chakre). But one of these cycles (atha 
ekam chakram) which is secret (yad guhA), that is known to the poet (tad 
addhatayah it viduh).

* Bow to all

		SuryAoi devebhyo mitrAya varunAya cha.
		Ye bhutasya prachetas idam tebhyokaram namah.

RigVeda 10.85.17
Anushtup chhanda

They who wishes well of creatures (ye bhutasya prachetasah) them SuryA, 
Mitra, Varuna and others (tebhyah suryAoi devebhyah mitrAya varunAya cha) 
I bow to them (idam namah akaram).

* To the bride

		Somah prathamah vivide gandharvo vivida uttarah.
		Tritiyo agnishte patisturiaste manushyajah.

RigVeda 10.85.40
Anushtup chhanda

Soma recieved first (somah prathamah vivide), Gandharva recieved 
afterwards (gandharvah uttarah vivide).  Agni is your third husband 
(Agnih te tritiyah patih), son of man is your fourth (manushyajah te turyah).

* The fire is lit and said to

		Agne shardha mahate soubhagAya tava dyumnAni uttamAni santu.
		Sam jAspatyam suyamam Akrinushva shatruyatAm abhi tisthA mahAmsi.

RigVeda 5.28.3
Trishtup chhanda

O Agni show your might (Agne shardha) your best illuminations (tava 
uttamAni dyumnAni) may bring great luck (mahate soubhagAya santu). Make 
the spousal family (jampatyam Akrinushva) evenly balanced (suyamam sam), 
resist the might of (mahamsi abhi tistha) the unfriendly (shatruyatam).

* Groom's AjyAhuti
(she will touch his right shoulder with her right hand)

		Om dyuos te pristham rakshatu vayur uru ashvinou cha.
		StanandhayAmsa te putrAn savitA abhirakshatu.
		AvAsasah paridhAnAt vrihaspatir 
		Vishve devAbhirakshantu paschat svAhA. 

SAmamantrabrAhmana 1.1.12
Tri-avasana shatpada kakummati shakkari chhanda

(May) the sky (dyuoh) protect your back (te prishtham rakshatu), Vayu and 
the two Ashvinas (vAyu ashvinou cha) (protect your) legs (uru). (May) 
your unweaned sons (te stanandhayAn putrAn) be protected by savitA 
(savitA abhirakshatu). (May) vrihaspati (vrihaspatih) (protect you) till 
you are clothed (AvAsasah paridhAnAt), afterwards (paschAt) may the 
vishadevas protect (vishve devAh abhirakshantu).

		kta pareitu mrityur amritam me agAt.
		Vaivasvato no abhayam krinotu svAhA.

SAmamantrabrAhmana 1.1.15
ChatushpadA gAyatri chhanda

(May) death (mrityuh) be sent far (parA etu), immortality (amritam) come 
near (me Agat).  Son of VivasvAn (vaivasvatah) give us shelter from fear 
(na abhayam krinotu).

* Exchange of seats and acceptance of hand

		PushA tveto nayatu hastagrihya ashvinA tvA pravahatAm rathena.
		GrihAn gachha grihapatni yathAso vashini tvam vidatham A vadasi.

RigVeda 10.85.26
Trishtup chhanda

(May) PushA (pushA) lead you from here (itah nayatu) holding your hand 
(hastagrihya tva).  The two Ashvinas (ashvinA)  carry you in chariot (tvA 
rathena pra vahatAm). Go home (grihAn gachha), so that you become the 
lady of the household (yathA tvam grihapatni asah), take control 
(vashini) (and) give orders (vidatham A vadAsi).

Groom:		GribhnAmi te soubhagatvAya hastam 
		MayA patyA jaradashtir yathA sah.
		Bhago aryamA savitA purandhir mahyam tvAdur gArhapatyAya devAh.

RigVeda 10.85.36
Trishtup chhanda

For good luck (soubhagatvAya) I accept your hand (te hastam gribhnAmi), 
so that (yathA) in my husbandship (mayA patyA) you reach old age (jarat 
ashtih asah). The devas Bhaga, AryamA, SavitA and Purandhi (Bhago aryamA 
saviA purandhir devAh) have given you to me (mahyam tvA aduh) for 
(becoming your) husband (gArhapatyAya).

* Bride's lajAhom

Bride:		Om dirghAyur astu me patih shatam varshAni jivatu.
		EdhantAm jnAtayo mama svAhA.

SAmamantrabrAhmana 1.2.2
GAyatri chhanda

(May) my husband (me patih) live long (dirghAyuh astu), live one hundred 
years (shatam varshAni jivatu). My relatives (mama jnAtayah) prosper 

		Om aryamanam nu devam kanyA agnim ayakshata.
		sa mAm devo aryamA preto munchatu mAmutah svAhA.

SAmamantrabrAhmana 1.2.3
Anushtup chhanda

(As a) daughter (kanyA) (I) made vows (ayakshata nu) to deva Aryama and 
Agni (aryamanam devam agnim).  (May the) Aryama deva (sah aryamA deva) 
liberate me from it (mam itah pramanchatu), (May Agni) liberate me from 
that (ma amutah).

To be continued

With best regards,

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