
SRH Reorg: Why Bring In Political Biases?


I find it intriguing and sad that one of the proponents of SRH Re-org (Shree 
Mani Vardarajan) has now sought to interject politics in this debate.  
Since he was one of the key proponents of Soc.Religion.Vaishnava and also
maintains moderation hardware, I note the following:

I have *never* rejected any article that support or oppose a given
political view point.  

I challange *anyone* to post an article, indicating that the article 
was rejected, and was because it was for political viewpoint, ideology, 
organizational reasons. I have indeed rejected articles if they contain
personal attacks against an individual, but have also always sent a note
suggesting removal of a few accusatory words and requesting resubmission.
Accusations, I suppose, are easy to make. 

I take pride, and most readers of SRH will agree, that SRH has proved to
be a forum, where opposing viewpoints, can be discussed in an educational
environment without personal flame wars.

What Maniji has sought to do is divide the readers of SRH and other forums
on the basis of their political view against the moderator of SRH, i.e., me.
But than this is not at all surprising, since the proponents of this
re-organization RFD overlooked all the Indian cultural newsgroups and sought
to post the RFD to alt.india.progressive, indologist mailing list and 
indo-european mailing list.... 

As Shree Partha Banerjee and others can attest, many of their articles
criticizing Hindu organizations were gladly accepted, so were the 
articles criticizing so-called Hindu political parties.  After all, Hindu
dharma prides it self in the multiplicity of opinion.

(please see article :
and others in soc.religion.hindu archives)    

It is the same acceptance of multiplicity of opinions that Hindu dharma has
taught me, also allows me to accept the articles about Hindu history and
Hindu past, if some Hindus on SRH wish to do.  After all, if not on SRH,
where in a personal attack free environment, can Hindus go and express
their opinions?  

Please note that I have nothing personally against Maniji.  I admire 
his convictions in not voting for the creation of Soc.Religion.Hindu,
I also admire the work he has put in the creation of a fabulous WWW site
Although in disagreement, I acknowledge the comittment he had for the creation 
and maintanence of Soc.Religion.Vaishnav, and now, his work towards this 
re-org effort! just like me, he too, is a busy man :-) 

It is for these reasons, I urge him to let go personal vendetta and petty
politics that drives this re-organization RFD.  I hope that the readers will
stay with the present moderation format of SRH, unless there is 
sufficient interests in more diverse philosophical newsgroups along the 
lines of Soc.Religion.Vaishnava (for Shaivism, discussion on vedas, puranas, 
bhajans, etc., with the word Hindu in the newsgroup name)


Ajay Shah

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