Re: The Bhagavad-Geeta - Chapter 8
In the article <4bdssl$j36@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
of 22 Dec 1995 09:13:57 UTC,
Vanita Hatti <vhatti@brokersys.com> wrote:
> I liked ready the Chapter you posted. I wanted to know if there
> is a place where I can get information on discourses for the
> Bhagvat Geeta. Like in India they had it the "Vivekananda
> Center" or the "Chinmayananda Kendra". Is there any organization
> that has useful meetings and activities that can improve the
> quality of our lives here ?
> Please reply at vhatti@brokersys.com if you have any info or
> pointers. Hari Om. Vanita.
I would recommend that you contact the American Gita Society
at gitaprasad@aol.com
Jai Maharaj <jai@mantra.com> *-=Om Shanti=-*