Re: RFD: soc.religion.hindu-reorganization
In the article <4bdsp2$j2n@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
of 22 Dec 1995 09:12:02 UTC,
mani@srirangam.esd.sgi.com (Mani Varadarajan) claims:
> . . . The reorganization proposal is designed to COMPLETELY
> DETACH all politics from this newsgroup.
Please stop your attempts at deception. The proposed
RFD is *based* on politics and threats made by the
proponent/s of the so-called reorgization -- here is
just one piece of evidence:
: In news.groups, vri@tiac.net (Arun Malik) wrote:
: ---------------- start quote -------------------
: Re: Fishy E-Mail: vote against soc.religion.vaishnava
: From: vivek@medea.cs.rice.edu (Vivek Sadananda Pai)
: Date: 1995/11/13
: MessageID: 488lua$mk7@larry.rice.edu#1/1
: Therefore, I would hope that peopl of good conscience would get
: quite angry with you if you scuttle a newsgroup for your political
: desires, and they would see to it that your politics don't interfere
: with religion any more.
: That is what you will have to contend with as the result of your
: actions.
: Can you say karma?
: -Vivek
: ----------------- End quote ----------------------------------------
: Yes Vivek, we can all say karma. And now that I've published your
: words threatening Ajay Shah with retaliation for his actions during
: the SRV RFD/CFV who can now deny that the
: soc.religion.hindu reorganization effort is an act of vengence
: against Ajay Shah?
: Arun Malik