
Re: SRH Reorg: the real moderation policy


I would like to thank Vivekji, one of the proponents of SRH re-org for 
speaking for me, however, since I seem to be able to speak for my self, 
I would appreciate it, if he let me speak for my self.

I showed a simple example, where a fight for a just and right 
cause such as the Mahabharat War and Lord Shree Ram's fight against Ravan 
could be misconstruded as petty politics by some naive interpreter of 
history.  Just as many would interprete the struggles of ISKCON 
temples in UK and Armenia and the burning of Hindu temple in Fiji.

And since the proposed moderation policy does not allow for the call for 
action against such atrocities to be posted, one wonders if one of the 
central themes of Shree Bhagwad Gita, fight for righteous cause is lost.
So, the following are the paragraphs that I never said or implied!  I am 
sure that Vivekji knew that, but I suppose he wants me to say it.  OK, 
Vivekji, that's the least I can do for you :-)

On Fri, 22 Dec 1995, Vivek Sadananda Pai wrote:

Quote 1: 

> The Mahabharat is filled with tales of great personalities, not
> mediocre politicians. If you think SRH's political posts even
> come close, I laugh at the suggestion. I would prefer one Krishna
> or Arjuna over all of the politicians in India and America combined.

Quote 2: 

> To suggest that your politics are even _close_ to the Mahabharata
> is a suggestion I find revolting.

Quote 3: 

> Here are the keywords: "Lord Shree Ram". Let me not put too fine
> a point on this - it would take an utter idiot to not figure out
> that what God does and says is obviously related to religion.

Quote 4:

> No, it is not, and your attempt to drag Krishna and Rama into
> this is pathetic.

Of couse, N th. post of the fakeq (ooops..that should be faq) deleted :-(

Quote 5:

> Your repeated lies should also pain you as a Hindu.

Quote 6:

> it. No wonder you tried to drag Rama and Krishna into this - you seem 
> to feel that you're on Their level, and can censor whatever you want.

Since I never censor anything outside the moderation policy as a 
moderator of SRH (and you have not produced any proof)....

> -Vivek

Now, please tell me, why these vengence filled personal attacks?  Do you 
wonder why most of the readers of SRH feel that the re-org move is 
driven by personal vendetta and petty politics?  Once again, I urge you 
Vivekji, and the other proponents of this re-org to reconsider your plans 
to destroy the present SRH.  All because I suggested the word "Hindu" in 
the name of the newsgroup, Soc.religion.Vaishnava.


ajay shah

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