
Re: SRH Reorganiztion Bias: Low Activity/Delays in Posting

On 20 Dec 1995 22:43:22 GMT, the editor wrote in soc.religion.hindu:

>Some re-organization proponents have said that this newsgroup has
>*fewer than expected* posts, and that is why they would like to see
>this newsgroup multiply moderated.
>I would like to point out a few facts, which might be useful.
>1. The postings are made 4-6 times a week.

Only since the SRH Reorganization RFD was posted.

Prior to that, it was *maybe* twice a week, and less during certain

Even since the RFD, it is RFD-related posts that are made 4-6 times a
week, otherwise it seems to take roughly a week for non-RFD related
posts to be approved.




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