Re: Religious unity
On Thu, 11 Jan 1996, Singam wrote:
> kstuart@snowcrest.net (Ken Stuart) wrote:
> >On Wed, 10 Jan 1996 12:52:18 +0800 (MYT), SV Singam
> >(vijia@pop.jaring.my) wrote:
> Frankly I have not seen any major problem on SRH that would 'drive
> people away'. But then I have not been on board for very long. Perhaps
> 'traumatic' events occured before I subscribed. But if they had
> happened, those skeletons would have been rattled in the open by now.
Since the newsgroup is only around 4 1/2 months old and re-org RFD was
issued after 3 1/2 months of its creation, your experiece is as valid as
everyone elses!!
> The matter of hardware breakdown still needs to be addressed. Ajay did
> ask how the proponents of reorg propose to deal with such breakdowns.
> I do not remember reading any response. Did I miss it? Could someone
> please repost the suggestion?
> For that matter, does Ajay have any suggestions on hardware backup?
As with most of the moderated newsgroups, SRH has a single moderation
account (SRV also has a single moderation account, and no back up
provisions). I do see a need in having some back up mechanism. We had
been exploring the following alternatives, before the re-org move started
draining away time from constructive endevours:
a. To find out ways in which an account on a different machine can serve
as a backup account, from where the posting can be made.
b. acquire additional hardware, at the GHEN expense to supplement the
current hardware at the rbhatnagar site (it would be an open question as
to where this hardware would be kept).
Any other constructive suggestions would also be welcom.
> And can Ajay sustain the current response time?
On an average 5 postings a week is the goal that is definitely
sustainable, and justified by the current postings. It is my estimate
that we still have only about 10-15 completely non-RFD related articles
per day (and fewer on weekends). And I see no reason why the current
response time could not be sustained.
Please note that this is consistent with most of the moderated newsgroups.
> I trust that Ajay will come forward with positive responses.
I hope that these responses are satisfactory..
> Has Ajay abused his 'sole authority'? Or has he simply been careless
> about where he posted from? Are we going towards a point where we have
> to watch our shadows?
I have challanged the proponents of re-org to produce a single article
that has been unfairly rejected from posting on *SRH*. As we have all seen
volumes and volumes of messages flowing from the proponents, this single,
simple request has gone un-answered.
Abstract allegations are easily made, I suppose! Please be assured
that I have taken this task of moderation very seriously, and I take a
great pride in the fact that SRH reflects the mutiplicity of opinion that
is present in the Hindu philosophy and community. I cannot assure
postings from all the sides, but I definitely can assure you that no side
will be filtered out, unless it is outside the purview of the charter.
> Fellow Hindus, let us seek peace. Let us not challenge for peace! Let
> us all sincerely and humbly seek peace.
I agree 100%
> Peace and blessings.
> SV Singam
> Minden, Penang
ajay shah