
Re: Why I support soc.religion.hindu: Reorganisation

GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana (gopal@ecf.toronto.edu) wrote:
: In article <4cgdqs$jpp@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: N. Tiwari <ntiwari@rs3.esm.vt.edu> wrote:
: >GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana (gopal@ecf.toronto.edu) wrote:

: >Second, the moderators need not know Hinduism and in its full 
: >complexity. However what we do need are the following:
: >
: >1. A moderator who is not prejudiced, in the sense that (s)he permits
: >   all the posts, representing all the viewpoints reg. Hindu Dharma.
: >
: >2. A moderator, who filters out articles, which involve personal 
: >   attacks, and profanities.
: >
: >3. A moderator, who rejects articles, which are not related to the
: >   Hindu Dharma.
: >

: Do i understand properly: you mean moderation is to be by our peers?
: so, IF for a moment we keep aside our views on the traffic, you dont
: have specific objections to the proposed moderators?
: -- 

No. But why the hell go around getting new guys, if we already have
a time tested moderator.

Remember, I say this, since as per your suggestion, I have kept all
the other issue aside. (Politics and upstaging of the current moderator
for one.)

Nachiketa Tiwari

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