
Re: Help - jagannatha/juggernaut (fwd)

sclay@connix.com (Sheryl Clay) wrote:

> with Visnu.  Is there something about Visnu, or "jagannatha" that I am missing?
> If anyone can straighten me out - please e-mail me directly at sclay@connix.com.
> And thank you very much.
> Sheryl

Well, there is a custom in Hindu temples to take out the deity on the streets
once a year. The chariot reserved for this purpose in Puri was so big that it
was difficult to stop it once set in motion. Ofcourse since Puri is a revered
temple lots of people would want to pull the chariot. Oh, I forgot to mention
that it's people who drag the chariot. And inevitably (the story goes) the
chariot would crush some people who were dragging it once it started going too
fast. And trust the British to mis-pronounce our names :-). 


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