
Re: Conversion

Singam (vijia@pop.jaring.my) wrote:
: caitanya@torfree.net (Gary Stevason) wrote:
: >Pat,  as far as I'm concerned, Krsna is my life, but I was born in 
: >Canada of Irish/Scottish decent.  Now perhaps the real Hindus will not 
: >accept me?   Krsna does.   So I think the 'real' Hindus will too.    :-)    
: >They certainly have been nice to me here in Canada.
: Gary, let me put it this way. Any person who insists that you are not
: Hindu is himself not Hindu.
: Hinduism is not about rituals and sectionalism. No one can claim be
: more 'real' a Hindu than any other. If any think they are, they are
: simply identifying themselves as those animals in Orwell's Animal Farm
: that declared, 'some animals are more equal than others'.

I would like to clarify Caitanya that you cannot be a Hindu 
because you are born in Canada, a Hindu is the one who is 
born in Hindustan ( INDIA ) and follows Sanatana Dharma. 
However, the Hinduism is based on Sanatana Dharma and anybody 
could practise that and benefit from it. It does not ask you 
to follow any particular dogma, you could be a Christian 
and still benefit from Sanatana Dharma, it may help you 
understand Christianity better, or a Muslim could benefit 
by understanding the teachings of Islam better by understanding 
the self, that is the essence of Sanatana Dharma.   

On the other hand, if you are classifying religions based on 
dogmas, then even a Christian is a Hindu. Christianity is 
on the path of Bhakthi ( devotion, if you don't have faith
in Jesus Christ you are not a Christian ) and is well within the 
prescriptions of Sanatana Dharma.  Sanatana Dharma does not 
restrict you to worshipping the listed images like Ganesha, 
Muruga, etc., no, worshipping these images are not at all 
required to follow Sanatana Dharma, if you are on the 
path of realising Athman ( Self ), you are following Santana 
Dharma, and Bhagavat Gita is precisely giving you the directions
for that. I would advise you not to worry about being a Hindu 
or Christian as long as you can follow Gita in its essence.
This was the message Swami Vivekananda gave to his audience at 
Chicago, the parliament of Religions, about 100 years ago 
when he was asked whether he would like them to be converted
to Hinduism. 

More often, Hinduism is confused with the Brahminical order 
of Indian society which is based on Manu Smriti. That 
interpretation of Hinduism is a wrong one, there were so
many Smritis like that of Manu. Smriti comes and goes 
depending on social necessities at that time, but the 
Srutis ( Vedas ) remains. The latest Smriti is the 
Indian constitution, Smritis are required to keep a 
a social order in the society and that is what exactly
the Manu Smriti was meant to be, to classify people
based on the type of jobs they do. But as time 
progressed, it evolved into a social order of caste
system as being practised now. 


Santhosh Kumar

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