Re: Animal-Killing, and Soul-Merging Condemned
Ken Stuart wrote:
>On 16 Jan 1996 02:35:09 GMT, susarla.krishna@studentserver1.swmed.edu
>(H. Krishna Susarla) wrote in soc.religion.hindu:
>>>From Sri Isopanisad, translated by HDG Bhaktivedanta Gosvami Prabhupada
>>mantra three:
>>asuryaa naama te lokaa
>> andhena tamasaavritaah
>>taams te pretyaabhigacchanti
>> ye ke caatma-hano janaah
>>"The killer of the soul, whoever he may be, must enter into the planets
>>known as the worlds of the faithless, full of darkness and ignorance."
>Where is "soul" in the Sanskrit?
The last line breaks down as:
ye - anyone; ke - everyone; ca - and; aatma-hanaha (from aatma-hano) -
killers of the soul; janaaha - persons
>>(Note: Srila Prabhupada often referred to the idea of merging the soul into
>>God, and thus losing one's individual identity, as "spiritual suicide").
>Maybe, but this has nothing to do with the Sanskrit quote above, since
>if you are merged with God, then there is nothing separate to enter
>any planets....... if there WAS something separate afterwards, then
>nothing is killed and so the "penalty" is avoided.
Except that this Upanishad does not speak of merging into God. Rather, the
desire by the impersonalists to merge with God is what is essentially akin
to "spiritual suicide," because such people want to get rid of their
individuality. Essentially, they want to kill their own souls. And such
people enter into the planets of the faithless, full of darkness and ignorance.