Re: Siva as Yogi?
>On 16 Jan 1996 02:33:33 GMT, susarla.krishna@studentserver1.swmed.edu
>(H. Krishna Susarla) wrote in soc.religion.hindu:
>It is fine for you to describe what Vaishnavas teach and what
>Vaishnavas believe, because you are a Vaishnava.
Well, I do try to be...
>However, when I tell you what the "Bhagavans" teach, then you propose
>to tell me what, quote: "they really do believe".
Well, if neither of us are followers of these "Bhagavans" then what makes
what you say more authoritative than what I say?
Perhaps it would be more useful for you to tell us who specifically you
refer to with the term "Bhagavans." Then we could refer to their writings
and see what they have to say about their beliefs.
When I think of the term "Bhagavans" I usually think of the many Hindu
Godmen, as well as all those who follow some watered down form of advaita.
These include Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Chinmaya, Sai Baba, Meher Baba, etc.
Who are you referring to?
>Since you are a Vaishnava, you read extensively in the Vaishnavite
>literature, and since you are not a follower of a "Bhagavan", you only
>read little bits of their writings, only what is meant for the average
>scientific materialist newcomer. You have to read their works in
>depth to get the more precise doctrines that they espouse for the more
>committed devotees.
And you really should read the works of a Visistadvaitist to learn about
visistadvaita. In fact, you should surrender to a guru in Ramanuja's line if
you really want to be a visistadvaitst (instead of just calling yourself one).
-- HKS