
Re: Jesus and caste system

In article <4df2ut$6a5@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian  <rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu> wrote:
>And that makes yet another story Jesus came to India. I have heard 
>1. Jesus came to Mylapore, Madras during his lost years.
>2. He actually didn't die, but came to Kashmir and had a wife and many kids.
>3. He studied with the Buddhist Monks during his lost years and that's 
>where he got his "ahimsa" kind of doctrines.

I have a question, then: Ajay proposed to created groups like
soc.religion.hindu.shivism, so given that some people believe that
Jesus had formed his philosophy in India, then what would people say
to soc.religion.hindu.christian?

After all, if Buddhism and Sikhism are part of Hinduism, then why
wouldn't Christianity also be included, especially if Jesus did all of
the above? There are even texts like the Issa Upanishad (I think
that's what it's called), so there could even be a claim that there's
scriptural justification of the name.


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