
Re: The definition of HINDU (Was about VK Rao's def) .. very long

vivek@cs.rice.edu (Vivek Sadananda Pai) wrote:

>I would have hoped that it proved nothing, but take a look at a recent
>post on soc.religion.hindu:

>In article <4df2vq$6a8@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
>Santhosh Kumar <santhosh@iss.nus.sg> wrote:
>>I would like to clarify Caitanya that you cannot be a Hindu 
>>because you are born in Canada, a Hindu is the one who is 
>>born in Hindustan ( INDIA ) and follows Sanatana Dharma. 
>>However, the Hinduism is based on Sanatana Dharma and anybody 
>>could practise that and benefit from it.[...]

>In other words, there are definitely Hindus who feel that you _must_
>be born in India in order to be a Hindu. This definition would
>probably make most of the members of the HSC, for example, non-Hindu,
>since they were likely born in the US.

Oh dear, I was born in Malaysia and not in Hindustan. I suppose that
means I too am not a Hindu :-(

Just out of curiosity, I wonder what percentage of those subscribing
to SRH are 'non-Hindu'.

BTW, Bali, one of the islands of Indonesia, has been recognised as
being Hindu for a long time. I suppose we will have to re-catagorise
that now. I wonder how we are going to tell that to the people of

I wonder whether Sri Lanka is considered a part of Hindustan. All
those Saivites there will be quite upset to learn that they too are
not Hindu.


   SV Singam
Minden, Penang

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