
Re: Hindu Milk Miracle - One Man's Story

   I'm a Muslim, who's parents are Pakistani.  I came to this newsgroup
especially b/c of the Milk Miracle.  My brother just told me about it.  He
said that he remembers it being in the news.  One of his pledge brothers
(in the fraternity KE, or Dekes) is a Jainist.  He claimed that he tried
it w/ his freinds statue of Ganesha.  He said that it went into a cone
shape and then dissapeared.  It was the most amazing thing he had ever
   I would like to have more information on this, since I have just heard
about it.  I don't remember it being in the news.  Is it documented on
tape?  When exactly did it happen?  Did it only work with the Ganesha
statue?  Is the story my brother's pledge brother told the same as most
people's account?  Has there been any scientific explanation for the
Miracle?  Is the Mircale unanimously agreed on between Hindus?  What do
most Hindus think it means?  
   Sorry to ask so many questions and seem ignorant.  Please answer my
questions as I'm very interested in this.  Thank you. :-)

Ali "Pak-man" Arshad                      A Pakistani-American New Yorker
aarsha@TC3Net.com                        caught in the midst of Midwestern
Phone#:(517)265-3860                      society.
447 Seel Dr.
Adrian, MI 49221

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