Re: Books on Hindu Myth..
SMUGHAL@forest.drew.edu wrote:
: I have been looking for a few books on Hindu Mythology.
: I need the books in English though. What book(s) should I get?
A Hindu would never consider these stories as myths. The pastimes of Lord
Krsna and Lord Rama are indeed part of history and are most cherishable
to the aspiring religionist.
Poor fellows like Joseph Campbell feign knowledge of the Vedas, but their
dry words only offend God ... just arrogant poseurs. For them, everything
is myth. Hence their expertise has become only myth among knowers of the
If you want to dip into the Indian treasure chest of spiritual gems, in
the library look for the author Bhaktivedanta who has translated many
Indian classics in a very understandable style demonstrating a true
realization of the conclusions therein.
Do not however make the mistake of treating these pastimes as mere myth.
Summon all your humility, remembering the inconceivable power and station
of God, Krishna. Then perhaps you will be able to understand these
pastimes as they are and not have to dismiss them as supernatural
Do not let the myth-mongers rob you of the splendor hidden in the Hindu
Veda texts.
THE RADMAN . . . . . . . . . Gary Stevason .... www.bhi90210.com/Athens/2108
"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall
deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear." -- God, Bhagavad-gita