
Religions of Hindustan

There has been much debate about whether or not Vaishnavism, Sikhism,
Jainism and some other schools of thought are indeed components of
Hinduism. Permit me to add my two cents (or pence or yen or paisa).

There is no such religion as Hinduism!

Over time, many schools of thought have emerged from the sub-continent
of India. Some of these claim Vedic origins while others claim Puranic
origins. Then there are those that do not make claims about origin nor
participate in any such debates. They simply are.

The lands beyond the Indus were referred to as Hindustan and
eventually the religions practised by these people were referred to
collectively as Hinduism.

It is so easy to declare that each of the schools of thought in India
constitute a separate religion and shrug off the mantle of Hinduism
imposed upon us by outsiders. But it is just as easy to appreciate the
ultimate brotherhood of all mankind and proudly declare our beliefs
and practises to be a part of Sanathana Dharma. Why, we could even
continue to use the name Hindu, given to us by the invaders.

Brothers and sisters, there is already enough religious strife in the
world. All of this strife, purportedly in the name of God, is
primarily to satisfy the ego of the perpetrators. There is no God who
asks His followers to go to war on His behalf. The only enemy man has
to face is the demon within himself.

The religions of Hindustan appear to share one common trait. The
ultimate goal is to seek and realise the Lord who is resident within
each individual. For this reason proselytization is not a part of the
Hindu tradition. There is no merit to be sought in converting another
person to your beliefs. Rather, one seeks to Realise the True Self
within oneself.

While debate is intellectually challenging and stimulating, I doubt
very much that it yields spiritual or moral benefits. Instead of
quibbling over our differences, shall we not seek joy from what we
have in common?

Peace and blessings.

  SV Singam
Minden, Penang

Truth, viewed from any angle, remains truth.

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