SRH reorganization
Dear Friends:
I come in as a spectator of the discussion of SRH reorg plan, and
I humbly state my own preference on this matter now, instead of
later. I watched uncomfortably as our SRH became more of a replica of
news.group instead of a moderated discussion group of Hinduism. I
object to this. I understand that such discussions are about this
very newsgroup, but since a remarkable indifference to the
sensibilities of many of us who voiced their opinions/apprehensions is on
display, it appears to me that the reorganization plan in its present form
does not include the much lauded "many voices" of Hinduism. I say that
despite my support of the expressed intention of the reorg plan: 'to make a
good thing better'.
More specifically, I expect that the objections of major contributors to
SRH such as Sri Nachiketa Tiwariji, Sri Bon Giovanniji, Sri Jai Maharajji and
of the others are heeded, and not pushed aside. Otherwise, when the votes
come up, I will be voting no to reorg. I see my no vote as basically
two things:
(1) a vote in favor of the continuation of a successful and excellent
forum and,
(2) a recognition of the investment of time and efforts by Ajayji.
TrinAdapi sunichena,