
Re: questions

Pradip Gangopadhyay (pradip@lism.usc.edu) wrote:

: 	Thank you for your interesting reponse. 
: 	You are right that only a fraction of God has become this universe. 
: This is mentioned not only in the Gita but also in the Upanishads. The 
: I agree that God periodically projects the universe and takes it back or as 
: you said that God creates and dissolves the universe. This idea of creation 
: is, however, different from the modern scientific idea of creation from 
: nothing. 

Dear Pradipbabu:

Thank you for the kind words. I tend to think that we should not try to 
tailor our answers to suit the assumed levels of familiarity of the 
questioner with Hindu Scriptures, but always try to give the best 
answers we can think of.  I have two reasons for that.  Firstly, 
there are many more readers than questioners, and many of them are highly 
informed.  Secondly, I am often unable to judge the intent or knowledge 
of the questioner.

I should give you an example of the second.  Remember there was somebody 
with an western name who asked whether Hindus think of God as fearsome?  
Several of us , including myself wrote that God is the embodiment of love 
to Hindus and not the embodiment of fear.  That is the message Sri Krishna 
gave to Arjuna in the SBG, in Chapter 11, as Arjuna was scared by His 
"dangstrAkarAlAni bhayAnakAni" image, but God asked him not to be afraid 
of that before he changed into His Krishna form again.

The other day, I was going through the homepages, and found that 
questioner's  homepage (I believe).  He had already made up his mind about 
what he wanted to write, and ignored what we think about it.  He has 
included a description of the fearsome Rudra as the example of how Hindus 
fear God.

You indicated that science thinks that creation came out of nothingness.  
I do not believe it to be so.  Scientists hypothesize that the subatomic 
particles pre-existed either as quanitized energy or as particles.  The 
assembly and arrangement of these generated elements and bodies of 
objects. Some of the elements combined to form amino acids and small, 
perhaps catalytic ribonucleic acids, that created the macromolecules found 
in living organisms.  However, scientists stop shy of talking about how 
life was created and as Fernandez Moran put it, you can put together all 
components of a bacterial cell to make it look like a bacterium, but it 
will not live.

In a gross physical way, the famous big bang theory suggests that the 
world was a compact mass at one time long ago, that has disintegrated 
with a big bang, and since then has been expanding, that is, the 
components are spreading in all directions.

With best regards,


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