Re: alt.religion.vaishnava- a forum open to development
In the article <1995Dec20.201519.2038@lafn.org>,
of Wed, 20 Dec 1995 20:15:19 UTC,
aq974@lafn.org (Bon Giovanni) wrote:
> ..... ......
> ::: ::: ::: :::
> `::... ..... : :::.::' ..... . .
> ... ::: ...::: ::: ::: ::: ...::: ::. .::
> `::.::' `::.::: ::: ::: ::: `::.::: :::`:::
> The gift of grace is not granted to the false disciple
> who thinks not of sundering the soul's fetters, nor of
> annihilating worldly desires, but takes instead a wayward
> course.
> -Tirumantiram 1688
> I just wanted to remind everyone about the existence of the
> alt.religion vaisnava newsgroup, and of the archives of
> alt.religion.vaisnava. In the newsgroup at present there is
> little discussion, but in those archives you will find allusions
> to conversations with Bon Giovanni, as well as various quotes
> from posts that I have written- but do you find my posts there?
> That version of Vaishnavic fair play is now a matter of history,
> since to date almost all Vaishnavite discussion at arv has moved
> to soc.religion.vaishnava, the moderated forum wherein one finds
> far more polite and fair discussion than ever appeared in the
> arv archives.
> To draw attention to srv, Pai suggests twice weekly or more at
> arv that the very existence of srv means that arv is now to be
> regarded as "just a vast wasteland for spam, trolling, and
> crossposts (which are not allowed on SRV)." He urges all to use
> srv instead.
> I urge all who agree with Pai to do just that; please do use
> srv, so that arv may now be developed as a site for open
> discussion on the glory of the Preserver, Vishnu, Who is the
> Everpresent, the LORD- be He known as Vishnu, Brahma, Siva or
> Allah or YHWH or Ra. As fewer and fewer narrowinded
> fundamentalists use arv, it may well be possible to employ it
> for cogent discussion as regards The Lord's Many Appearances.
> To that end, I will continue posting at arv in the hope that
> insightful discussion will ensue. Those who wish are welcome to
> reply, while those whose interest is sustained more by the
> garland built with srv threads, than by posts like mine, are
> cordially urged to post there, please.
> All best wishes
> *+*
>Prajnana, constant integrated awareness, cannot be acquired from books. It
>has to be got through self-examination and self-correction.-Sathya Sai Baba
Please note that soc.religion.vaisnava (censored) proponents
(Shrisha Rao and V. S. Pai) have posted a "rmgroup" message to
actually remove the open newsgroup alt.religion.vaisnava
The good news is that most Internet Providers have chosen to ignore
the "rmgroup" post, although some providers may have honered it.
If the latter is the case at your site, please request your System
Administrator to restore alt.religion.vaisnava and offer it once
Send such a request to postmaster@<your site.edu/com/org, etc.>
Jai Maharaj <jai@mantra.com> *-=Om Shanti=-*
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