
Re: Peaceful compromise on the Horizon (round and round)

[i strongly decided to desist from participating on the thread,
but it has become an addiction for me!]

This debate will never end, and *no* useful purpose will be served
if we go on conceding the points after a long debate and fruitful
discussion, *only* to claim later *again* that we never conceded,
and continue our  arguments ab-initio.


In article <4e15jv$lj9@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
N. Tiwari <ntiwari@rs3.esm.vt.edu> wrote:
>GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana (gopal@ecf.toronto.edu) wrote:

>: (3) N Tiwari has supported the concept of talk.religion.hindu
>: unmoderated for posts such as muslim demolition of temples,
>: india-pakistan tensions etc. i dont remember to have seen
>: serious objections to this proposal, from others either.
>No I did not. 

you did. actually you said even more. you said  you will support 
not only with a vote but with your *writing* skills too.  
see below. 

=====================begin inclusion=========================
Re: Why we need the SRH reorganization
  From: ntiwari@rs3.esm.vt.edu (N. Tiwari)
  Date: 1995/12/20
   MessageID: 4b99vm$mqc@solaris.cc.vt.edu
newsgroups: news.groups

Mani Varadarajan (mani@srirangam.esd.sgi.com) wrote:

:    4. There is a definite need for a newsgroup where topics of
:       interest to devout Hindus and Indologists can be discussed
:       in a non-inflammatory manner.  Currently, the charter of
:       soc.religion.hindu discourages such dialogue from taking place.

:       The correct place for inflammatory discussions of
:       Hindu holocausts, Muslim destruction of ancient temples, etc.,
:       is in an unmoderated talk.religion.* group, where opposing
:       viewpoints can be freely aired.  Topics related to Hindu dharma,
:       God, shaastra, and Hindu literature should be discussed in a
:       non-inflammatory forum such as the proposed
:       soc.religion.hinduism.moderated newsgroup.

        So, just create a talk.religion.* ng. That solves the purpose.
        I will support it. With my vote and with my writing skills,
        whatever little I have.

Nachiketa Tiwari

================end inclusion ============

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