
Re: Eternal Individual Existence Is A Fact

In article <4e8vte$oo0@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Dhruba Chakravarti <dchakrav@netserv.unmc.edu> wrote:
>Vijay Sadananda Pai (vijaypai@mandolin.rice.edu) wrote:
>: do speak of Krishna in the BG 15.15 -- vedaish ca sarvair aham vedyo
>: (By all the Vedas, I [Krishna] am to be known)

>Dear Vijayji:

>I do not agree that vedya means "to be known" since I think that it means 

I don't see the difference. If He is "to be known" by the Vedas, then that
means the Vedas discuss Him, and if He is "knowable" by the Vedas, then
that also means the Vedas discuss Him.

>I would accept that interpretation if you can establish your 
>claim from the Suktas of the RigVeda,

I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I had mentioned it
in a previous post. Sourav Laskar had posted this to SRV last month & I
just dug it out of the archive.

 Rg Veda 1.154.5-6

        tad asya priyam abhi pAtho asyAM naro yatra devayavo madanti
        urukramasya sa hi bandhurithA vishNoH pade parame madhva utsaH
        tA vAM vAstUnyuSmasi gamadhyai yatra gAvo bhUriSR^ngA ayAsaH
        atrAha tadurugAyasya vR^shNaH paramaM padamava bhAti bhUri

 May I occupy the enviable position of His in which the devotees find delight.
 In this exalted station of vishNu, there is a fountain of felicity and He is
 ever the friend of the earnestly active. We desire to go to the abodes of You
 Two, where there are long horned cows and where brightly shines the Supreme
 Abode of that widely praised showerer of all prosperity, vishNu.

>otherwise, I will go by the symbolic 
>meaning; that is, Sri Krishna indicating that all Vedas in the ultimate 
>sense is trying to describe Him, in that sense, He is the "knowable".

I don't see how that's the symbolic meaning; I can see how one could
get to that with vedyo interpreted as "to be known", but if vedyo is
read as "knowable", then that seems to require more explicit references.

>With best regards,



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