
Re: SRH: Umpteen complaints about existing moderation policy

GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana (gopal@ecf.toronto.edu) wrote:

: Here are some complaints against the present moderation.

: [i *definitely* know that there more complaints than what
: i am presenting in this post]

: grounds for complaints include (1) rejection of appropriate
: posts, (2) acceptance of posts dealing with politics (3) 
: acceptance of posts that directly attack god-men of hindu 
: fold without any substantive reasoning, (4) improper formatting
: of articles that make the articles 'illegible' (5)articles
: with  personal attacks etc. While it is imperative that the
: posters should desist from making personal attacks, it also
: the responsibility of moderator not to accept such posts, so
: that is how Dhrubaji's advice to a poster to desist from 
: personal attacks also got included here.

: Summary: The charter for moderation *needs* to be revised.
: and that is what RFD attempts.

My response:

1. I do not know anything about the Shiv-Purana episode. So
   I cannot comment on it. Further, it was on alt.hindu.

2. Reg. poorly formatted article, I agree. I think we should
   decide on a format, and stick to it. No problem.

3. Reg. the Nazi thing, look who all were participating in the
   debate. However, let us leave that. But did'nt you see that
   the thread actually stopped. So, the moderator can be advised
   reg. the relevance of the thread. Initially, the thread was
   there, since it had to do with the re-org. stuff. Later, it
   became a debate as to who was a Nazi, and was rightfully 
   stopped (by the moderators or/and the people involved). 
4. Reg. the Sai Baba stuff, I have posted my views in other 
   posts. Pl. read them. The area is extremely a grey one, and
   I personally would not like to have moderator play umpire.
   Rather the wise netters should be in that position. Further,
   you could have very good reasons, as to why X is a hypocrite.
   Some exteremely controversial people could be: Dhirendra
   Bramhchari, Chandraswami, Rajneesh, ... So, IMO the moderator
   did the right thing to let the article appear. Remember, 
   that atleast Rajnessh (I do not know about the rest) was
   extremely knowledgeable, and learned about Hindu Dharma.

5. Articles like Ultras' etc. IMO are mere lapses. However, if
   we want, we can beat moderator to death for such a lapse. This
   could as well happen in a multi-moderator setup. So, do not
   carry this reason too far. 

Nachiketa Tiwari

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