
A sanskrit project added. First call for a list of well known sanskrit sayings


The following project is added to our list of Sanskrit Projects.

Collect details(source and context) and explanations of important common 
sayings in Sanskrit (bR^ihad.hvaakya?) including mahaavaakya-s.

Here is a list of common sayings.  Can you think of any more? The saying 
should be terse, and will avoid long shloka-s or complete subhaashhita-s .

    gataM na shochya
    satyameva jayate
    vasudhaiva kuTuMbakaM
    durlabhe bhaarate janmaH
    tat.h tvaM asi
    ahaM brahmaasmi
    praGYaanaM brahma
    cha.ndramaa manaso jaataa
    naaticharaami (shloka during Vedic marriage ceremony)
    prajvaalito GYaanamayaH pradiipaH
    dharmo rakshati rakshitaH
    atiparichayaat.h avaGYaa
    piNDe piNDe matirbhinnaH
    na aatmaa balahiinena labhyaH(muNDaka upanishhad.h III.iii.4)
    na aatmaa pravachanena labhyaH(muNDaka upanishhad.h III.iii.3)
    tatoha.nsaH prachodayaat.h (Ramakrishna mission??)
    karmaNye vaadhikaaraste
    ekaM sat.h vipraaH bahuDhaa vadanti
    ahi.nsaa paramo dharamaH
    aa no bhadraaH kratavo yantu vishvataaH (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Journal)
    shrIrAmarakshA sarvajagat.h rakshA
    vaidyo nArAyaNo hariH
    shubhasya kshEgraM
    shubhaM mangalaM
    vinAsha kAle viparta buddhi|
    paNDita putraH shuNThaH
    AkAkshat.h patitaM toyaM yata gachati saagaraM
    neti neti | (Brihadaranakya Upanishad)
    shiva.ahaM | (Shankaraacharya)
    svarge loke na bhayaM kiM asti | (Katha Upanishad)
    brahma satyaM jagan.h mithyaa (Shankaraachharya)
    shraDhAvAn labhatE (g)nAnaM
    yathA rAjA tathA prajA
    sarve guNAH kAJNchanamAshrayanti
    svameva mR^igendrataa
   bhadraM no api vaataya manaH
   sarve jana.h sukhino bhavantu
   loka.h samasta.h sukhino bhavantu
   asato maa sadgamaya
   tamaso maa jyotirgamaya
   m.rtyormaa am.rtamgamaya
   asaavaadityo brahma (sandhyaavandanam)
   catussaagaraparyantam gobraahma.nebhyas's'subham bhavatu
   yato vaaco nivartante
   apraapya manasaa saha
   raso vai sa.h (taittiriyopani.sad)
   mat.r devo bhava (taittiriyopani.sad)
   pit.r devo bhava (taittiriyopani.sad)
   aacaarya devo bhava (taittiriyopani.sad)
   atithi devo bhava (taittiriyopani.sad)
   satyam vada, dharmam cara, svaadhyaayaanmaa pramada.h (taittiriyopani.sad)
   tanmemana.h s'iva sankalpamastu (mahaa nyaasam) v
   vidyayaa am.rtamas'nute (bhu motto - achieve immortality through knowledge)
   k.r.sito naasti durbhik.sa.h (some agriculture univ. motto ?)
  nadiinaam saagaro gati.h (all the rivers lead to the ocean)
  gata jala setubandhanam (not sure of the meaning)
  gatam gata.h (what is done is done/let bygones be bygones)
  vedo nityamadhiyataam (s'ankaraacaarya)
 pibantu vangmaya sudhaam tarantu bhavasaagaram (motto of publisher saadhana 
grantha ma.n.dali)

  Many such terms are used in emblems of the institutions in India resembling 
the Latin ones in the Western world.  A reference to the institutions may be 
appropriate.  These may resonate collection of subhaashhita but will give 
direct explanation of sayings commonly used in Philosophy encoded in the 
Sanskrit texts including Upanishhads. The writing could be for a page
or two in the form of an essay or pravachana explaining the intricacies of 
sayings and sighting other texts.  The first step is to collect such 
`revealing' messages, and then a few can start writing on them.

 So here is an opportunity to add your favorite, inspirational,  wise 
statement.  Please send them to Anand Raghavendra ANANDR@nebfef.com

 They will be re-posted after editting.  The format in which the final outcome 
will be is given below:

     complete shloka
     word by word meaning
     overall meaning
     the context
     Essay (which will include references of other shloka-s, specific 
comments, some insights, quotes, notes for implementations in daily practice.)
     Additional references
     Anything else?

     Please provide suggestions on the format or your list of  sayings to  
Anand Raghavendra ANANDR@nebfef.com


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