
Re: The heavenly bodies(is abode of gods a heaven?)

In article <4e3r9v$gf6@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Dhruba Chakravarti  <dhruba@nfinity.nfinity.com> wrote:
>Dear Friends:
>The moon, star etc. are they *heavenly bodies* ?  Perhaps yes, according 
>to the Bible and Koran.  But certainly a big NO according to Hindu 
>Scriptures.  The issue really is, the Biblical/Koranic world view is 
>two-tier, consisting of earth and heaven, but the Hindu world view is 
>three-tier, consisting of earth (bhuh) sky (bhubah) and heaven (svah).  
>Therefore, it is not consistent with Hindu Scriptures to call the moon, 
>the stars etc, heavenly, they could be called skyly may be :-))
>With best regards,

A  couple of curiosity  questions:
Is the description of sapta rishis, arundhathi, and moon
the brother of Mahaa Lakshmi, consistent with the above
description of them as skyly objects ? 

How is Heaven described in scriptures?

G.Sree Ramana Gopal

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