Re: The heavenly bodies ?
In article <4e3r9v$gf6@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Dhruba Chakravarti <dhruba@nfinity.nfinity.com> wrote:
>Dear Friends:
>The moon, star etc. are they *heavenly bodies* ? Perhaps yes, according
>to the Bible and Koran. But certainly a big NO according to Hindu
>Scriptures. The issue really is, the Biblical/Koranic world view is
>two-tier, consisting of earth and heaven, but the Hindu world view is
>three-tier, consisting of earth (bhuh) sky (bhubah) and heaven (svah).
or could it be single tier, since everything is god?
a friend of mine told me that w.r.t. this, koranic view is identical
to hindu view ... omni present god.(i actually consider some subtle
difference, since omni-present means god is present in all things,
implying god is different from these all things. in contrast
the hindu view (or should i say advaithin view) is that everything
*is* god and god is everything)
for instance, Lalitha is described as "chandra mandala madhya gaa .."
and "surya mandala madhyastha " and if her abode is not heaven,
what else could be?
>Therefore, it is not consistent with Hindu Scriptures to call the moon,
>the stars etc, heavenly, they could be called skyly may be :-))
>With best regards,