
Re: Erwin Schroedinger and Hinduism

 In article <4dnfue$q6c@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
 Sankar Jayanarayanan  <kartik@eng.auburn.edu> wrote:
 > I'll tell you what I(personally) 
 > mean by the term "hindu"-
 > 1) Culturally- People who are born and/or brought up in India.
 > 2) Religiously- People who believe in the Vedas.
 Then, as per your own definition Schroedinger does not seem to qualify
 as a Hindu (which is the only point I want to make in this thread).
 He most certainly doesn't meet criterion 1). He satisfies 2) very, very 
 partially, if at all. Specifically, S found the Upanishadic conception
 of the "Brahman" very compelling and in resonance with his own ontological 
 persuasion. He was not "religious" in the commonly understood sense
 of the term and he didn't "believe" in the Vedas like traditional
 The rest of your post I have not much interest in responding to.

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