
Announcement of Sanskrit Site and Documents

                            Sanskrit Documents


We are very glad to present an anonymous ftp or WWW site having
major collection of Sanskrit related documents.

The site is accessible through WWW with URL

The files can also be transferred with anonymous ftp as
ftp jaguar.cs.utah.edu
with cd private/sanskrit directly.

A subset of these files is also available at
which is the major site for ITRANS/hindi/marathi songs.
It has been managed very efficiently by Anurag Shankar.

The files on both the sites are available in English transliteration
and Devanagari output format. These documents were prepared by
many individuals, most of them being participants in the on-line
Sanskrit group mailing list/sanskrit-digest (information to
get the digest is added in the end of this message).  
We appreciate their interest and hope that they will have 
opportunity to be equally enthusiastic in the future.

The Devanagari files are generated using ITRANS/TeX/LaTeX/dvips
collection of software available as freeware.

We particularly encourage you to print/read the Sanskrit projects file.
We need volunteers for many of the 50+ projects mentioned. 
Please take initiatives and participate in this group effort.
Other major activities planned for learning/speaking Sanskrit,
both in India and abroad, are linked in Sanskrit Bharati site:
We realize that anything we do will be a tiny amount compared
to the grand scale of Sanskrit literature.

We need guidance from you in this effort!

Here is a sampling of what is available at the above site.
Links to appropriate sites are included.

     Sanskrit documents
     Files for learning Sanskrit
     Tools for preparing Sanskrit documents
     English documents on Hinduism and Sanskrit
     Current documents under preparation
     Documents that need to be encoded(a wish list)
     Sanskrit projects currently underway (volunteers needed)
     Sanskrit Bharati homepage
     Sanskrit dictionary efforts
     Subhashhita collection
     Sanskrit grammar, Sanskrit Tutorials
     Information on the monthly Sanskrit magazine sambhaashhaNa sandeshaH
     Sanskrit News from India
     Interface for online transliteration to Devanagari conversion
     Preferred transliteration scheme (ITRANS)
     Common errors and tips on correct transliteration
     Survey for software and hardware for Devanagari printing
     Sanskrit Usenet and Group mailing list/digest information
     Other useful information and sites(Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita,
        Indology, Vedanta, Spirituality, Yoga, Tantra, Sampradaya-s etc.)

This site for the documents is in preparation, so some of the
work is on-going.  Please provide your suggestions.  

To keep this message short, we have not listed the entire contents (over
100 documents ) above.  You may want to download the README.sanskrit
file for a complete list.

You are welcome to link your homepage to this one, or download the files.
Please feel free to mirror this site if you want, in fact, we would 
be glad if anyone can offer any additional WWW space to mirror this site.
Around 25Mbytes of disk space is required at a minimum, while more space
is always useful.  A tar file(15Mb+) is available upon
request for easy transfer. Contact avinash@acm.org or
atul@yamuna.asd.sgi.com  for the file.

For corrections in the homepage links contact mgiridhar@ucdavis.edu.

If you need help on accessing the files or want to get general
information of the sanskrit-digest/list, please contact
Sai Ram Susarala at sai@cs.utah.edu

This post has been sent by a volunteer, and mention of `we' or
`us' is used as a general reference, no personal promotion is intended.

------------------- Sanskrit Digest information -----------------
To SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE from Sanskrit list:
Send a message to "majordomo@cs.utah.edu" with the line containing:
"subscribe sanskrit-digest <your email address>"    to SUBscribe,
"unsubscribe sanskrit-digest <your email address>"  to UNsubscribe, and
"help"                                              to get help
in the message body.
------------------------- Indology homepage. -------------------------
------- See also the projects file for subscription information  -------
Indology WWW page: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucgadkw/indology.html

-------- * Sanskrit Usenet group humanities.language.sanskrit *----
Please access the humanities.language.sanskrit through usenet.
For those who do not get usenet newsgroups use the URL
This method can be used to access any usenet newsgoups.

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