
Re: Animal-Killing, and Soul-Merging Condemned

On 18 Jan 1996 07:12:42 GMT, susarla.krishna@studentserver1.swmed.edu
(H. Krishna Susarla) wrote in soc.religion.hindu:

>Except that this Upanishad does not speak of merging into God. Rather, the
>desire by the impersonalists to merge with God is what is essentially akin
>to "spiritual suicide," because such people want to get rid of their
>individuality. Essentially, they want to kill their own souls. And such
>people enter into the planets of the faithless, full of darkness and ignorance.

Okay, do I understand this correctly?

All the following are my understandings of Vaishnava doctrine:

1)  Shankara was an incarnation of God to lead people from an
atheistic Buddhism to an impersonalistic Advaita, since the latter was
better for them (even though it wasn't the ultimate viewpoint).

2) Those who follow Shankara by wanting to lose their individuality
and merge with God, are condemned to "the planets of the faithless,
full of darkness and ignorance".

Is this right?



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