
Calculating festival dates

On another tack, on a recent posting about calendars, you mentioned
that you
use a mixed sun and moon based calendar. That sounds very complex.
Anyway, I
was wondering if you know any home-grown algorithm for calculating the
Indian public holidays we have in Malaysia; namely Thaipusam and
I received the following inquiry from a Muslim friend...

>For my courses, I create a 2 year calendar with predictions for the public
>holidays in the year ahead (e.g. 1996&1997, 1997&1998).
>Muslim dates are easy to predict; just subtract 11 days from the current
>holidays and there are next year's dates within a day. But the Indian
>holidays seem to jump all over the calendar! So do you know any algorithm
>that can calculate Thaipusam and Deepavali for next year from this year's
>dates? If we can come up with a scheme, then maybe our other JARING members
>would find it useful. I have records of dates of public holidays from 1991
>onwards if that would help.

Can anyone who has knowledge of the Hindu calendar system advise on


   SV Singam
Minden, Penang

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