Sai Baba and God
I received this from Bon Giovanni.
> Those who do not forsake all desires may not know that peace. Others
> spread rumours.
> "What have the recepients given Sai Baba for that ash? Donations ?
> Volunteer time ? Their political influence ? Their lives to joining a
> cult ? Bought a Sai Baba t-shirt or baseball cap ?"
> It is good to ask questions, but better that one asks them in the
> spirit of sincere enquiry. The kind of questions asked above are
> neither sincere nor cogent- they are but meant to obfuscate, not
> clarify.
All right, Mr. Giovanni, what is your definition of God? Let's begin our
discussion with this.
> I urge all to examine Sai fully, sans bias. Examine the person and
> teaching and history, rather than depend on hearsay and rumour be they
> of praise or snide remarks.
> Rather than allowing opinion or rumour or others to attract the mind,
> kindly recall Who rules the universe, and the injunction: "It must be a
> king of Yahweh's choosing whom you appoint over you..."
> *+*
Disclamer: I have nothing personal against Sai Baba. I don't say that he
cannot do miracles. I do not say that that his miracles are just tricks of
the hand. I do not say that he has commited fraud. I do not say that he is
living as a parasite on the disciples he has managed to grab. NO NO NO. I do
not say all these things.
What I say that if Sai Baba claims that he is God, then please can he provide
some justification for this claim of his. Netters, Sai Baba is not the only
holy man India has produced. There are many many innumerable holy men who have
come out of India's womb. They have repeatedy said that GOD IS NOT A CHEAP
THING. Now we have Gods mushrooming all over India and even in abroad. There
is some fellow in Tripura and his followers consider him as God. Just
producing ash and making a sweet out of granite does not make a God.
Vaishnava aacaarya, rasikaananda was asked by his followers to come and see a
person who was flying around on a stick. He told them not to disturb him. But
when they bothered him too much, he broke a branch of a tree, stepped on it
and flew over his hut several times. He landed and cried out "These things of
flying around are not important, not important, not important. Don't get
distracted by them. Just be devoted to Krishna." Rasikaananda never claimed
to be God. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, for whom we have ample scriptural evidence
that he was Vishnu would cover his ears when somebody would call Him god. He
would say that it is blasphemy to call an ordinary jiva, God. He would say
that this would pain his ears.
God is dimentionaly different. HE IS NOT CHEAP. Acharyas have warned not to
take God so cheaply. God is not hanging from a tree branch like a mango. One
is squezzzed to limits to realize God. Why cannot Sai Baba just say that he
is a follower of God. Then I have no grudges against him.