Re: Beautiful Indian Women. A MUST READ...... (fwd)
[SRH Moderator's Note: Deleted several quoted lines for netiquette reasons.
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amandi@cast.uark.edu wrote:
[SRH Moderator Deleted Quotes here]
I am nobody to make decisions on their behalf. I am just a news person
telling you the decision they have already made.
BTW, you call chastity "autocratic idiocy". The men in hindu culture are as
chaste as women here. Without caring to understand our culture, some fellows
like you have taken an overly feminist stance by saying that hindu culture
allowed polygyny. FYKI, a person was not allowed to have more than one wife if
he could not keep both of them satisfied. And FYKI also, legends have it that
those who had vowed not to have more than one wife could not even be killed
by the great archer Arjuna because of their chastity. Then marriage is not just
for sex. It is a spiritual bond between two families. And also FYKI, there
was polyandry as the legend of draupadi says. But these "poly" things were not
encouraged unless ofcourse if the man was a king and for some political
reasons he had to marry to get some ties made with other kingdoms. In any
case, the point is hindu culture never made the relationship between a
husband and a wife a flimsy affair as the west does between a man and woman.
These so called modern Indian westernized men & women running half naked before
everybody do not realize that in the end, it is a decent life which remains
stable and unshakable.
[More quoted text deleted by Moderator of SRH]
> >Regards, if you don't land up with Satan, that is.