Re: Re : Erwin Schroedinger and Hinduism
All this is rather amusing :
The observations are as follows -
1. There exist Indians who consider themselves non-hindu.
2. There exist Indians who consider themselves hindu.
3. There exist Indians who consider Indians who consider themselves
non hindu to be hindu.
4. There exist non-indians who consider themselves hindu.
5. There exist non-Indians who consider themselves non-hindu.
6. There exist non-Indians who consider non-hindu non-Indians to
be hindu.
Various cross products and closures of the sets and categories
defined by 1..6 above also exist. Yes the possibilities are endless.
I have a rather simple question - Who cares ? Hindu is as Hindu does.
And finally, I think its patently narrow minded to only consider people
born in India to be Hindu - a formula for extinction of Hinduism and a
formula for bigotry if I ever saw one.