
Re: SRH reorganization

Vivek Sadananda Pai (vivek@cs.rice.edu) wrote:
: In article <4cb5hq$bns@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: Dhruba Chakravarti <dchakrav@netserv.unmc.edu> wrote:
: >Dear Friends:
: >
: >I come in as a spectator of the discussion of SRH reorg plan, and 
: >I humbly state my own preference on this matter now, instead of 
: >later.  I watched uncomfortably as our SRH became more of a replica of 
: >news.group instead of a moderated discussion group of Hinduism. I 
: >object to this.  

: The RFD requested that all discussions about this topic take place in
: news.groups. However, Ajay consulted with others and decided to allow
: discussion to take place in SRH, and that's fine by me. It has not
: been my intention to "drown out" SRH with this discussion, but given
: that various accusations, etc., are being leveled on SRH, it makes
: sense for me to reply on SRH.

: >I understand that such discussions are about this 
: >very newsgroup, but since a remarkable indifference to the 
: >sensibilities of many of us who voiced their opinions/apprehensions is on 
: >display, it appears to me that the reorganization plan in its present form 
: >does not include the much lauded "many voices" of Hinduism.  

: I am not sure that I understand your reference about "a remarkable
: indifference to the sensibilities...", etc. After all, note that we
: are working towards a compromising rather than going for a CFV. Mani
: has offered a compromise solution, and I have been discussing various
: aspects of the RFD with Raj Bhatnagar.

All I have to say is that I do not see any sign of
a compromise. Dhruba_da's concern in indeed note-worthy
and accurate one. The plan offered by Mani is the same 
plan as in RFD. And the offer to Ajay is nothing new. So
I for myself, do not see any element of compromise.

: I would personally prefer to see some sort of compromise reached, but
: realize that both sides need to be cooperative. I'm afraid that if a
: compromise is not reached, the CFV is somewhat inevitable.

: >I say that 
: >despite my support of the expressed intention of the reorg plan: 'to make a 
: >good thing better'.  
: >
: >More specifically, I expect that the objections of major contributors to 
: >SRH such as Sri Nachiketa Tiwariji, Sri Bon Giovanniji, Sri Jai Maharajji and 
: >of the others are heeded, and not pushed aside. 

: Once again, I don't recall any valid points of the above individuals
: to have gone unanswered, but if you could summarize a list of
: objections, I would be more than happy to address them. I say "valid
: points" not to duck responsibility here, but let's just say that some
: of the "conspiracy theory" and "censorship" threads have been, well,
: lacking in reasonable discussion.

Well, it is a matter of opinion on that. People have
brought evidence of explict threats made in the past.
Jai Maharaj and Arun Malik have done that. Then I see
Mani directly accusing Ajay of biases (which he thinks
has stiffled debate), and you say there is no conspiracy.

: >Otherwise, when the votes 
: >come up, I will be voting no to reorg.  I see my no vote as basically 
: >two things:
: >
: >(1) a vote in favor of the continuation of a successful and excellent 
: >forum and,
: >(2) a recognition of the investment of time and efforts by Ajayji.

: If this is the case, then please work with us to a compromise solution,
: or convince Ajay to join the moderation team. The offer for Ajay to
: be a moderator in the reorg RFD still stands.

Once again, I fail to see the compromise.

: However, I don't see how a "no" vote accomplishes anything - more
: moderators will definitely help SRH, and having a reduction in delay
: time would also be a good thing. Voting "no" is like throwing out the
: baby with the bathwater - if there is something in the RFD which you
: don't like, we can discuss it. Rejecting it out of hand seems like a
: pointless thing to do.

I had aired out what I thought to be appropriate. That was in 
response to Gopal's call. Not that I have any say in the affairs
of Ajay Shah, and s.r.v folks. But I said, what I thought was 

Nachiketa Tiwari

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