
Re: SRH Reorg: Personal Vendetta : Conclusive Proof!

Ajay Shah (editor@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu) wrote:
: Dear Friends,

: Saprem Namaskar!

: While many people have posted similar posts, here is  the original post
: that started the re-organization effort from DejaNews.  It is 
: conclusive proof that the SRH re-organization move is based on 
: personal vendetta and petty politics, solely because of my personal
: belief that the word Hindu be included in the name of the newsgroup
: Soc.Religion.Vaishnava.

: Please note that I did not object to SRV's need, or its charter or its
: moderation policies.  I also congratulated the proponents upon its 
: passage.  

: Please read this post and make up your own mind about the petty 
: politics involved in the re-organization move, or should I say, a 
: move to destroy Soc.Religion.Hindu?

: Here is a paragraph that will clearly show the intention of the proponents of
: SRH re-org.  
: -------excerpt from an earlier post from one of the re-org proponents----

: Anyhow, if that happens, I'm sure the move to reorganize the
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: soc.religion.hindu.* hierarchy will gain much impetus; there is
: already a groundswell of support which will not be easily denied, and
: if Dr. Maharaj and Mr. Shah manage to stop SRV using their fraudulent
: practices, then they will face a tidal wave of opposition that will
: uproot them from their home territory. Then, the next time the SRV
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: ----------------------------------------
: (emphasis underline added)

: Please note:
: 1. Proponents of SRV considered this re-org not out of the good
: of SRH, but as a revange for my stand.

: 2. They consider SRH to be home territory of some people, however
: any one who has read SRH will, I am certain, disagree with this 
: contention, as I have never sought to dominate this newsgroup with
: my ideas or articles.

: 3. The proponents have failed to provide a single example of posting
: that was unfairly rejected from Soc.Religion.Hindu

: I am sad to see this petty political play from those who objected
: to the word Hindu in a Vaishnava newsgroup, and now seek to 
: destroy and/or control the Hindu newsgroup.

: As I see a post from a 16 year old from UK, asking for Hindu unity 
: to support ISKCON temple in UK, I am reminded that my post expressing
: my personal opinion regarding the name Hindu in Vaishnava newsgroup
: was indeed prompted by the same incident.  Perhaps, we can all
: learn from this short message and seek strength in Hindu unity.

: regards,

: ajay shah
: ------entire post by one of the proponents of SRH re-org from DejaNews------

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: <H2><A HREF="nph-dnquery?search=thread+RECNUM=%3c481hm4$el2@news4.digex.net%3e%231/1">Re: Fishy E-Mail: vote against soc.religion.vaishnava</A></H2>
: <H3>
: From: <A HREF="dnauthor-profile.tcl?author=shrao@nyx10.cs.du.edu%20(Shrisha%20Rao)">shrao@nyx10.cs.du.edu (Shrisha Rao)</A>
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: Date: 1995/11/11</H3>
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: distribution: world
: references: &lt;YkcZV9200iISFPpqVE@andrew.cmu.edu&gt; &lt;47trej$2js@newsstand.cit.cornell.edu&gt; &lt;1995Nov10.220525.5621@news.ntrs.com&gt;
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: newsgroups: news.groups

: In article &lt;1995Nov10.220525.5621@news.ntrs.com&gt;, spb@ntrs.com (Steve 
: Bonine) wrote:

: [*chomp*]

: &gt; Jai's email spam urging votes agains soc.culture.hawaii resulted in
: &gt; a number of YES votes for the group.  I suspect that the same thing
: &gt; will happen this time.

: I don't doubt that for an instant; there are always a few people who
: like to do their own thinking, and who will not tolerate being told
: what to do. However, what is worrying is that there is a 2:1 majority
: requirement for passage, which means that unless two out of every
: three spam victims decide to vote yes, the group is in danger. That
: means that Dr. Maharaj and Mr. Shah could have a success rate of, say,
: only around 40-50%, and still manage to derail the group.

: Anyhow, if that happens, I'm sure the move to reorganize the
: soc.religion.hindu.* hierarchy will gain much impetus; there is
: already a groundswell of support which will not be easily denied, and
: if Dr. Maharaj and Mr. Shah manage to stop SRV using their fraudulent
: practices, then they will face a tidal wave of opposition that will
: uproot them from their home territory. Then, the next time the SRV
: proposal is made in six months' time, the circumstances will be
: sufficiently different to allow a fair vote.

: Regards,

: Shrisha Rao

Could there be any better proof that a conspiracy was
not in the incubator. 

Nachiketa Tiwari

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