
Re: Hindu Calendar question...

In the article <4cge62$jr3@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
of 4 Jan 1996 11:37:38 UTC,
Braxton Schmidt <braxton@oz.net> wrote:
> What are the 1996 dates of all Hindu holidays.  (I am especially
> interested in this month's (January 1996) dates. . . .

Namaste!  Here are some Poojaa(s), festivals and important
occasions for the remaining dates of January, 1996:

5,  Paushi Poornima; Thai Pusam
6,  Maadhav month begins
9,  Sankasht Chaturthi
16, Shattila Ekaadashi
18, Meru Trayodashi
19, Amaavasya
24, Vasant Panchami; Shiksha Patri Jayanti
28, Maagh Shukl Navami
30, Jaya Ekaadashi
31, Pakshavardhani Mahadwaadashi; Unmatta Gangotsav

If you would like to purchase an almanac/Panchang/Jantri for the
year, please feel free to write to me for recommendations.

 Jai Maharaj <jai@mantra.com>           Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer
%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:% *-=Om Shanti=-* %:%:%

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