Sai Ram
Sacred ash imparts a great lesson and wisdom to all of us "Oh
man! All objects of the world are destined to end up as ash
after going through the purification process in fire". It also
teaches that everything is temporary and nothing is permanent.
It is the voice of the Atma which is everlasting. This Atmic
principle is the very embodiment of Divinity and Sanctity.
This is the unique excellence of human beings. Though we are
endowed with Supreme Divinity, we are not able to realise its
presence within us. Such a man is like the one who goes for
treasure hunting elsewhere, when the very treasure is hidden
under his feet in the bowels of earth. We will not search for
pearls outside when we realise that there are precious pearls
in us.
When there is a lamp in our house, why should you go begging
for the light elsewhere? Why should you go in search of God
when the Lord of Lords is housed in you? You need not go
elsewhere when you realise that the Lord is enthroned in your
When you are established in the truth that the Divinity in you
is all pervasive, you feel greatly energised. The realisation
of this truth erases the difference between you and God, mine
and thine. The same self runs as an undercurrent in all the
elements of the world. You have not come newly for the first
time into this world. You have changed many bodies, but the
atmic principle in you is the unchanging Reality. You are
infinite. For example, if you go to the ocean and start
counting the number of waves in the ocean you will realise
that you can never trace the beginning of a wave nor can you
find an end to the waves in the ocean. There are waves as long
as there is the ocean. There is Chaithanya (consciousness) as
long as there is the universe.
The very meaning of the word 'Manava' highlights the fact that
man is an eternal entity and not a newcomer on earth. In the
word Manava 'Ma' means 'no' and 'Nava' means 'new'. Hence the
meaning of the word 'Manava' points to the fact that man has
not come new to this world.
The knowledge that we acquire from the study of Physics
Botany, Chemistry etc., is only artificial knowledge, but not
wisdom born of inner vision. The knowledge born of inner
enquiry and inner vision is true knowledge and the rest is
only ignorance
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
For him who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, I am not
lost, and he is not lost to Me. - Bhagavad Gita 6.30