
Re: SRH-reorg.. No basis for accusations

NO FACTUAL BASIS for the accusation:
      "SRV people are out there to destroy SRH"

Some facts, first:

(a) Fact #1  Proponents of SRH-reorg  are NOT proponents of SRV
S Rao was NOT a proponent of SRV
Vv Pai was NOT a proponent of SRV
Vj Pai was NOT a proponent of SRV
Mani V was NOT a proponent of SRV
H Groover was NOT a proponent of SRV

(b) Fact #2 Proponents of SRH-reorg are NOT moderators of SRV
S Rao is NOT a moderator of SRV
Vv Pai is NOT a moderator of SRV
Vj Pai is NOT a moderator of SRV
Mani V is only responsible for hardware aspects of SRV moderation,
 but does NOT control the moderation policies. He is bound by the 
 charter contained in CFV for SRV
H Groover is only responsible for software  aspects of SRV moderation,
 but does NOT control the moderation policies. He is bound by the
 charter contained in CFV for SRV

(c) Fact # 3 Some of the moderators are not involved in SRV at all
Srini Pichumani (proposed moderator) has not voted in SRV creation.
Raghu Seshadri (proposed moderator) has not voted in SRV creation.

(d) Fact #4 None of the proponents of SRV have got involved in SRH-reorg 
Proponents of SRV
Badrinarayan Seshadri (posted only one article w.r.t only SRV)
Susan Brish
Anand Hudli
Kesavan Potty
Narahari S Pujal
Vidya Shankar Sunderesan

(e) Fact #5 Some of opponents of SRH-reorg have voted against SRV
 Jai M
 Ajay Shah

(f) Fact #6 Some of the today's opponents of SRV have in fact voted
    Yes on SRV
Bon G

Now the analysis
o  None of the SRV proponents are behind SRH. They have NO control
   over SRV or SRH or SRH after reorg.

o  Proponents of SRH-reorg are NOT involved in  SRV proposition or 
   moderation, except for Mani V and  Groover H. None of them have
   control over SRV, SRH or SRH after reorg.

o Mani V and Groover are only hardware and software maintainers, and
  can not make  decisions w.r.t. moderation policies of SRV. The
  program that moderates SRV has to function within the charter
  contained in CFV.

o If voting or arguing in favour of SRV constitutes taking over
  of SRH by a group, then SO DOES voting or arguing against the SRV. 
  N Tiwari, Ajay Shah and Jai M have voted against. 

o If voting or arguing in favour of SRV constitutes taking over 
  SRH, Bon G has voted in favour.

(my apologies if there are any spelling errors in the names listed)

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