
Re: Gayatri Mantra

[follow-ups directed to soc.religion.hindu as that is more appropriate.]

In article <4cm676$i6@mojo.eng.umd.edu>, Roshni Rao <roshni@eng.umd.edu> wrote:
>[...]  - not to baseless customs that allow the Mantra to be learnt only 
>"when the upanayanam ceremony  is performed".  

For all we know, perhaps the original poster supports upanayana for
girls/women also :-)

I have seen references to upanayana for girls being performed in some
cases in ancient times. The usual citations are Kane, `History of
Dharmasastras', v.2, 293ff and Altekar `Position of women in Indian
civilization', 397ff. There are also, apparently, modern attempts
to do this. Can anybody shed more light on this topic.
Vidhyanath Rao			It is the man, not the method, that solves
nathrao+@osu.edu		the problem. - Henri Poincare
(614)-366-9341			[as paraphrased by E. T. Bell]

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