
Re: NEWS : Answer to:There should be no outraging of faith by obscenity and slander

Eric Christiansen <chrise2@rpi.edu> wrote
> Hi, 
> 	My name is Arjun Menon, I study at RPI, and my email address
> is menona@rpi.edu, I'm currently using someone elses log-in right now.
> I just read,
> There should be no outraging of faith by obscenity and slander
>   from ashokvc@giasbm01.vsnl.net.in
> 	I'm not sure what kind of people you are, but I have a feeling that the
> person missing the point is either you or me.  
> 	The question: Are there any limitations?
> My answer:  No there aren't any!!  

As a college student you can be excused for a little naivete but it is
obvious to anyone in the real world there are limits all over the place. 
Certainly in the art world.  I mean my Grandmother still has some of the
drawings I made as a child.  Why aren't they hanging in the Louvre?  One
reason is that by aesthetic principles they're no damn good!  But these
aesthetic criteria are just as subjective as the sentiments of the Dharmik
public.  If you accept one, why not the other?

> The fakeness and disillusionment of
> the Indian culture today is that it has developed the rigidity of a
> concrete block!  Every little action of conformity taken by the Indian
> culture is the building block-grain to the concreteness of
> hinduism/indian culture itself.  Everytime someone tries to take the
> block to a new height and drops it on the people,.. what do you expect?
> Of course its going to crack!  Why should you all remain so rigid, just
> waiting for your concrete minds to crack!  

I neither consider my culture to be fake nor am I disillusioned by it.  So
why should I care if you are?  Have you asked me what I'm disillusioned
with?  Honestly, do you care?

While I'm sure my mind is rigid in many ways, I have no reason to believe
it's any more rigid than anyone elses.

> 	A good lesson in humanity and self-understanding is to realize that the
> world doesn't come to anyone as a square, which you know has four edges,
> and you know where each edge is.  There are always new things being
> created and new areas being explored.  One should be open always to the
> many variety of cultures and art that flow in and try to stand back and
> consider the infinite possiblities of appreciation.  

Indeed.  One should also possess the virtue of vivek.  The ability to
measure the worth of these many (not infinite) possibilities and reject the
ones which are worthless.  People have different notions of worth but no
one actually practices an "anything goes" mentality however much they may
talk about it.

> Are you so afraid that your kids might see some nude paintings....,
> there are so many pornographics items in the world, do you seriously
> think that a painting of draupadi nude is serious?  

Yes, as a matter of fact I do.  What are the implications of this statement
I just made.  Should I have my feelings approved by someone?  Seeing as you
know nothing about me, on what basis do you make the leap that because I
disapprove of one nude painting I neccessarily disapprove of all others?
> Do you wish to
> create future zombie children who won't learn to appreciate the beauty
> of his or her own body?  

Wait a minute, just a minute ago you were saying we had to appreciate art
simply because it's art.  Now you're saying we should appreciate it for its
utilitarian purpose?  Well, by sex ed criteria I would still reject
Husseins art.  If the goal is to appreciate one's own body, one can easily
make do with a mirror.

> Just look at the KamaSutra, I mean... it was
> created by the Indian culture,... we were probably the first to bring
> about pornography?  

Have you ever actually read the Kama sutra?  I have.  Sex is one of many
topics covered in it.  Only a prude would call it pornographic.  Why are
you, the defender of artistic expression relying on a prudish
interpretation of a work of art without comment?

> 	Take a deep breath and loosen up.  Don't be so rigid!  Learn to learn
> again! Take a chance and be a more rounded person, someone without an
> edge or an angle,  .. be one and all!

I will if you will.  Many opponents of Hossain may be narrow-minded.  To
assume all are is equally narrow-minded.

Jaldhar H. Vyas [jaldhar@braincells.com]  o-   beable      .-_|\
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