
Re: ARTICLE : Becoming Hindu

In message "ARTICLE :  Becoming Hindu", you write:

> In article <ghenDzFo4C.F36@netcom.com>, skandar@nortel.ca says...

> 	By this logic, anything one says is meaningless, and
> 	therefore the statements sastras are also meaningless,

No, where did I say that anything anyone says is meaningless and
what the shastras say is meaningless? You are merely extrapolating
my statements.

> 	and in fact your own are as well. So one might as well 
> 	make them in the closet from now on, since anyone's
> 	hearing or appreciating is also meaningless, right?

Nope, you still fail to understand.

> 	I wholeheartedly invite you to do so, since I don't
> 	buy what you're selling here. 

What you state is not what I am selling.

I merely stated that Dharma is only the path. It is not
the Goal and therefore is not an Absolute. Anything that is
not an Absolute is meaningless to a realized soul. Time
is not an Absolute, it is meaningless to a realized soul, but
we on the other hand are not realized, we are bound by time.
So long as you are not realized, you have to tread the path
of Dharma to reach the Goal.

> 	In other words, "yato mat tato path."
> 	But this doesn't work. You cannot stuff food into your ears,
> 	squish it within your hands, or put it up your rectum and expect
> 	to digest it just as when you put it in your mouth, properly
> 	chew, and swallow it. There is a definite process, and those who
There are many definite processes.
> 	follow it get the result; those who don't imagine that they do.

A very strong, and arrogant statement to make. 


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